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Removing barriers to accountability: shifting the power in the aid sector through accessible technology

ODI have partnered with Loop to work towards a common aim of enabling greater accountability to recipients of development and humanitarian assistance by utilising opportunities created with user-oriented/community-embedded new(er) secure and accessible technological platforms.

Project learning and insights will be shared openly and with key humanitarian stakeholders to facilitate wider use and improved benefits. The intention is that the findings of this project will support real change.

Our project combines evidence collection and analysis with implementation, aiming to directly apply project learning to support Loop and wider efforts to improve accountability in the humanitarian sector. ODI are using research and convening efforts to identify opportunities to identify existing and emerging gaps in the political economy of accountability in the humanitarian sector. Informed by this, ODI will work with Loop to understand how Loop can best adapt its activities and platform to strengthen user-centred accountability in crises and contribute to wider system change.

Loop and ODI are working collaboratively to implement and test out different ways to strengthen:

  1. communities’ ownership and use of the platform, building on successes in existing countries and;
  2. wider buy-in/receptivity among humanitarian agencies and donors towards collective accountability platforms, as a valuable means to put aid recipients and their interests, perspectives and agency at the centre of humanitarian decision-making, monitoring and evaluation.

The Team